Getting enough sleep is one of the most important ways to keep healthy, so it’s crucial you buy the right duvet to aid your slumber.
Get the right size
Before you start your search for that cosy new duvet, or the duvet cover that will add instant French chic to your bedroom, measure your bed to find out which size you’ll need. In the UK you’ll be looking for:
Single = 140 x 200cm
Double = 200 x 200cm
King Size = 240 x 220cm
Super King = 260 x 240cm
Choose your duvet filling

When shopping for a duvet weigh up the pros and cons of different fillings:
Natural fillings include feathers, down or a combination of the two, which give more warmth with less filling compared to synthetic duvets. Natural fillings also allow your skin to breathe through the night and can prove more resilient than synthetic fillings – so you can keep your duvet for decades!
Synthetic fillings can be a better choice for allergy sufferers as they are hypo allergenic and better for asthma and eczema sufferers. They are easy to care for as they can be washed more often and dry quicker than natural alternatives.
Take a tog
A duvet tog rating gives you an indicator of warmth – telling you how effective the duvet filling is at trapping air. This can range from a cool 1 tog rating up to a cosy 15 tog.
Some people have both a summer and winter duvet of different togs to help regulate their sleeping temperature throughout the seasons.
Pick a pillow
The type of pillow you should choose depends on which position you sleep in.
If sleep on your front, look out for softer pillows such as those filled with down. Those that sleep on their back may need a little more support from a medium pillow. And if you sleep on your side a firm pillow can help align your spine.
Add a mattress protector
If you don’t want to buy a whole new mattress but could do with a little extra comfort, a mattress protector is a good option. Mattress Protection can also help extend the life of your mattress and even guard against dust mites and stains. Just remember – they’re no substitute for a decent mattress.
Protect against allergies
Synthetic fillings in duvets and pillows are better for allergy sufferers because of their hypo allergenic qualities.
If you suffer from asthma, rhinitis or eczema dust mites and mould can worsen your condition, so look for duvets with dust mite or anti-mould protection to help you sleep more soundly.
Top tip: When you get up don’t make your bed – however well you’ve been brought up. Leave the covers pulled back to allow air to circulate.
Kids sleep solutions
For advice on choosing duvets and pillows for your little ones, read our expert guide to children and sleep, written by The Family Sleep Coach.
The post Duvet Buying Guide appeared first on La Redoute Fashion Family.